The Idea

The inspiration for the Lap Bowl came during a family vacation in our RV. My Husband Trent was driving and asked for something to eat. I made him a sandwich on a paper plate that kept sliding off his leg. Trent said out loud "There needs to be a bowl that will sit on your leg", and just like that the idea was born. Trent's an Engineer so when we got home, he used CAD to model up a bowl and 3D printed a prototype. We took the prototype on our next trip, it worked great! While showing family and friends we called it the Lap Bowl, and its name stuck. - Crystal

The Product Design

After creating the first prototype Lap Bowl we dialed in the dimensions considering: leg size, overall height, and the optimum diameter. With regards to the leg size, we found the common leg tapers from the kneecap to the hip. The saddle of the Lap Bowl was designed to fit nicely on nearly anyone by simply finding the correct location between the knee and the hip. The 7 1/2" diameter of the Lap bowl was developed to allow a paper plate to fit the rim of the bowl, transforming the bowl to a plate when needed. Later in response to feedback we were asked to make a smaller version of the Lap Bowl and so we came up with the 6" Lap Bowl Jr. - Trent

Where to use the Lap Bowl

The Lap Bowl can be used a lot of places! We have taken the Lap Bowl with us on road trips, camping, and sporting events. The Lap Bowl gets used a lot when we're sitting around a campfire. It's nice that the Lap Bowl will also sit flat on a table. Sometimes we use the Lap Bowl at home watching TV, it fits on the arm rest of a couch too. The Lap Bowl will float if dropped in water, so don't be afraid to take it boating. - Allie

A dogs thoughts

Even I get to use the Lap Bowl - Chance

Tested and approved

We tested the Lap Bowls for microwave safe, dishwasher safe, and stain resistant. We put a bowl in the microwave for 4min with water in it, and it survived. We put one in the dish washer, and all was good. Then we put beet juice & Kool-Aid in one and let it sit overnight, no stains. I placed one in water to make sure it floats, and it did. I threw one high in the air to see if it would break, it didn't, these things are tough. - Abbie

The Hammes Family